GMB call on Green Tomato Cars to improve employment practices

GMB call on Green Tomato Cars to improve employment practices to lower numbers leaving the company
Something is desperately wrong with the work culture when workers are constantly led to resign, says GMB London
GMB, the union for private hire drivers, is calling on Green Tomato Cars to examine the work culture so as to improve employment practices to lower numbers leaving the company.
Green Tomato Cars is a London-based private hire company operates a fleet of around 200 vehicles and claims green credentials. Almost all of the cars are Toyota Prius.
Jonny Goldstone founded Green Tomato Cars with fellow ex-city lawyer Tom Pakenham in 2006. The company grew rapidly and in 2010 it was acquired by Transdev Group.
Goldstone has recently rejoined the company as director but has remained silent in relation to recent emails from the GMB.
Steve Garelick, GMB Regional Officer, said:
“Staff at Green Tomato Cars have chosen to walk away rather than face accusations from management.
"There is something desperately wrong with the work culture when workers are constantly led to resign.
“I have been fielding calls for some time from employees and drivers at Green Tomato Cars and they have followed a similar theme.
“With private hire companies facing the spectre of more competition one would think a warm working environment would bring the best productivity.
“Sadly management feel they can play fast and loose with workers lives.”
Contact: Steve Garelick on 07967 763 980 or GMB Press Office on 07970 114 762