GMB call for sprinklers in schools

GMB London Region back fire chiefs call for sprinklers in all UK schools
Unfortunately, like most Health and Safety concerns raised in the UK, action isn’t taken until a disaster happens, says GMB London
GMB, the union representing school staff, are shocked and concerned by figures recently released by the London Fire Brigade, that report that of all 57 fires in schools across the capital attended by the LFB in the past year, not one of the schools were fitted with sprinklers also known as automatic fire suppression system (AFSS). [See notes to editors for London Fire Brigade press release]
GMB are supporting the LFB campaign to ensure all schools are fitted with sprinklers by urging GMB members to contact their local members of parliament and tell them they want action on sprinklers. [See notes to editors for link on how to contact your local MP]
Mick Lancaster, GMB Regional Officer said:
"Unfortunately, like most Health and Safety concerns raised in the UK, action isn’t taken until a disaster happens. When people have been seriously injured or lost their lives!
“Taking a proactive approach and ensuring all schools are fitted with sprinklers will not only protect the children and those who work in schools many of which are GMB members. Sprinklers also save the Department of Education money dealing with the aftermath of school fires and disruption to children’s education.”
Contact: Mick Lancaster 07974 249754 or GMB London Press Office 07970 114762
Notes to Editors
1] Press Release
London Fire Brigade – “All London school fires this year had no sprinklers fitted, new Brigade figures reveal” (7 August 2019)
2] How to contact your MP
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