Essex outsourced NHS patient transport service staff should get full sick pay

It is not acceptable for members being asked to put themselves at risk without being guaranteed their full pay should they fall ill doing their jobs says GMB London
GMB to urgently consult with its members in the NHS patients transport service (PTS) in a possible dispute with Thames Ambulance Service Ltd (TASL) over the company’s refusal to pay full sick pay.
GMB has already written to the company to address their concerns and is asking for the company and for NHS Trusts to match the sick pay arrangements for directly employed NHS staff with payment kicking in from day one for staff self-isolating.
TASL run PTS across Essex and the company is currently asking staff to step up and help with the COVID-19 crisis and help with patients and transport.
Gavin Davies, GMB London Region Lead Officer on Health, said:
"Staff are happy to assist in these trying times but the issue our members are facing is that the company does not offer sick pay to all staff. The NHS Trusts that they work for are well aware that this is the case.
“So, in effect members are being asked to put themselves at risk without being guaranteed their full pay should they contract the virus.
“This is an appalling position for NHS Trusts and a contractor to take. It is not acceptable so GMB is consulting members on possible action if this is not sorted out.
“You have hard working staff that are stepping up to help the public in a time of crisis without the guaranteed protection from their company should something unfortunate happen to them regarding COVID-19.
“GMB are calling for TASL and the NHS Trusts to afford all staff full sick pay should they fall ill.
“In fact, nationally as a matter of policy all outsourced key workers contracted to the public sector should be covered by the sick pay schemes of directly employed staff with payment kicking in from day one for staff self-isolating.”
Gavin Davies - Senior GMB Organiser - 07930 983 376 or 07921 289880.