GMB call for catering, domestic and housekeeping services at Luton hospital to be brought in-house

GMB call for catering, domestic and housekeeping services at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital to be brought back in-house
Engie workers deserve decent pay, terms and conditions, and most importantly to be treated with respect and dignity in the workplace, says GMB London
GMB, the union for staff at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, are calling for the catering, domestic and housekeeping services at the hospital to be brought back in-house once Engie’s contract with the hospital expires in Autumn 2020.
The union are concerned that extending Engie’s contract could lead to another two years of misery and exploitation in the form of unfair treatment, and further degradation of terms and conditions. Last year, housekeepers’ working hours and wages were cut, yet are still expected to do the same amount of work, if not more. This has had a knock-on effect on the patients for whom GMB members work to provide support every day, along with the patients’ families and visitors.
GMB will be gathering support from local people and staff in the next few weeks to strenuously demonstrate against any extension of the Engie outsourcing contract.
GMB Union is committed to supporting our members at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital to make sure that their working conditions and contracts are improved, rather than further degraded. The union believe that the best way to ensure this, is for the servicing contracts to be brought back into the NHS, so that members can be treated in line with NHS colleagues doing the same work.
Hilda Tavolara, GMB Regional Organiser said:
“GMB is extremely concerned that if Engie is allowed to keep the contract, covering the catering, domestic and housekeeping services within the Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, or if it is put out to wider tender, our members will be denied the equal and fair treatment which they deserve.
“Engie workers deserve decent pay, terms and conditions, and most importantly to be treated with respect and dignity in the workplace.
“The outsourcing of the service was principally a cost saving measure which was to the detriment of vital workers who deserve to be treated fairly by their employer.
“Last year, for instance, Engie reduced some of the housekeepers’ working hours in order to boost their profits, to the detriment of not only their dedicated staff, but just as importantly, the needs of the patients within the Hospital.
“GMB, therefore, demands that these services be brought back in house rather than given out to Engie, or indeed, to any other private company.
“Patient care MUST be put above private profit.
“GMB SAYS “NO” TO ENGIE or any other private contractor.”
Contact: Hilda Tavolara 01582 404842 or 07978 784737 or GMB London Press Office on 07970 114762