GMB call for a safe and healthy working environment for bus drivers following independent report on Covid-19 related bus driver deaths

GMB London commented on the independent report on the Initial assessment of London bus driver mortality from Covid-19. See link to the report below.
The report covers a lot of ground and puts into the public domain a great deal of very important information and variables that can be used to develop safe systems of operations for both bus drivers and the travelling public.
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser said:
"GMB London welcome the independent report on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on bus drivers in London.
It covers a lot of ground and puts into the public domain a great deal of very important information and variables that can be used to develop safe systems of operations for both bus drivers and the travelling public.
In particular, for a wide variety of reasons, it identifies bus drivers as a vulnerable group of workers. Without very good systems to protect their health and safety they were massively exposed as the report shows.
This puts a special responsibility on to TfL and the bus operators to do absolutely everything that should be done on a day to day basis to provide these workers with a healthy and safe environment. This aim should be to reduce their vulnerability as a group of workers and minimize risks to their health and to the safety of the drivers and the public.
TFL, in particular, has the responsibility to ensure that such a health and safety environment is created and maintained by the bus operators. The Mayor and the GLA must ensure that this health and safety environment is the top priority for TFL.
There is no room for complacency and the incentives for the bus operators have to be aligned to reward operators who run in a manner to protect the health and safety of the drivers and the public. Operators should be penalized financially where they don't put health and safety first."
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser 079 6776 3980
GMB London Region Press Officer 079 7001 9643
Editors notes: