GMB await the Supreme Court’s decision on recognition of Uber drivers’ status

Tomorrow one of the most important outcomes for the Gig economy will be delivered when we hear the outcome of Uber’s appeal against drivers’ rights to pay and holiday
GMB, the union for professional drivers will be waiting for the Supreme Court’s decision after Uber lost its Court of Appeal and was given permission to move to the Supreme Court.
The Court of Appeal has upheld the decision of the EAT and London central employment tribunal that Uber drivers are workers and as such entitled to workers’ rights, terms and conditions. Having the Uber app switched on and being ready to work was enough to constitute working for Uber.
GMB awaits the Supreme Court’s outcome which will have a direct impact on Addison Lee’s appeal. Whether or not Uber losses their appeal, Addison Lee’s appeal will go ahead but it is very unlikely that Addison Lee will succeed which may mean they decide not to proceed with their appeal.
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“The outcome of the Supreme Court’s decision will be a massive win for Gig economy workers, GMB will fight to ensure that our members in this sector get no less than they deserve which is decent pay and decent terms and conditions. Many of our members working for these types of App driven jobs earn less than the Nationa Minimum Wage and if unable to work for any reason, are left with no income, debt and hunger. We need to end this model of working.”
Contact: Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser 079 6776 3980
Editors Notes:
GMB London press release 19 December 2018
GMB London - GMB score third court win against Uber
GMB Union 19 Dec 2018
Third court ruling that Uber drivers are entitled to workers rights | GMB
GMB London press release 29 October 2018
GMB London - Uber Drivers '£18,000 Out Of Pocket'
GMB London press release 7 March 2018
GMB London - Date set for Uber Court of Appeal hearing
GMB Union 28 Oct 2016
Monumental victory in employment case against Uber | GMB