GMB announces new Acting General Secretary

GMB Union announce Warren Kenny, London Regional Secretary, will take up the position as Acting General Secretary
The Central Executive Council (CEC) met yesterday, 5th November 2020, and discussed the position of a replacement Acting General Secretary following the announcement of John Phillips' retirement on 31st December 2020.
Nominations for the position of Acting General Secretary were sought from CEC members. Two nominations were proposed and seconded by CEC members - Warren Kenny (London Regional Secretary) and Joe Morgan (Birmingham & West Midlands Regional Secretary).
The CEC were advised that neither nominee intended to stand for election as General Secretary & Treasurer, when an election is held.
The CEC member proposers and seconders spoke on behalf of each nominee and a vote was held. The CEC determined that Warren Kenny (London Regional Secretary) be asked to take up the position of Acting General Secretary.
It was further moved, seconded and agreed by the CEC that Warren Kenny take up the position of Acting General Secretary with effect from Monday 16th November 2020, to allow for a hand-over period and also for John Phillips to return to be the Wales & South West Regional Secretary, prior to his retirement.
The CEC put on record their thanks to John Phillips for everything he has done for the Union and for stepping up as Acting General Secretary at short notice following the former General Secretary's resignation.
Following a meeting with the Regional Management Team and with full endorsement from our Regional President and committee, Tony Warr has kindly agreed to step in as acting London Regional Secretary.