Evri deliver blow to single mum who dared to complain

Evri courier loses her job after challenging her manager about unpaid work
A well-respected and popular hard working mum of three, late for work because of a family commitment was met with an unsympathetic response by her line manager who decided to give away her deliveries to other drivers.
Distraught at losing a day’s income she swore in exasperation, which was used against her and ended with her dismissal from Evri. GMB London member Laura says that the regional delivery manager had been deliberate with his targeted bullying because she dared to raise issues which she says he ignored in any case.
A kangaroo court and sparse investigation lasting just hours provided a very unfair outcome, leaving Laura being owed over £1,100 that she will have to wait weeks to receive. At a time when the cost-of-living crisis is plunging people into despair, this behaviour by Evri must be challenged.
GMB London Region member Laura said:
“Evri is expecting me to travel miles every day to collect parcels and to deliver them as quickly as possible. I live hand to mouth with my family, a five-year-old, a 16-year-old and a 22-year-old who is autistic, as well as being the carer for my elderly parents. I am proud of the fact I work hard to provide for them, understandably, I am now devastated that a job I loved has been taken from me by managers who don’t care two jots about family or even getting to the truth.
“Despite what the company states on its website, Evri does not care about me and my family’s needs, and neither do they want to address the bullying that I experienced almost daily from the manager.”
Steve Garelick , GMB London Region Organiser said:
“It has become clear that the regional manager at Evri's Dagenham Depot has ignored all reasonableness and has targeted a hard-working mum. Evri management has allowed the practice of unpaid sorting of parcels and it has become clear any challenge to this practice is handled completely inappropriately. Evri changed its trading name to help shake off a reputation that included bad employment practices.
“I have made requests at senior management level and with regional managers that have for too long been ignored, it’s time to combat the practice of unpaid tasks and time spent working. Evri must realise that GMB will see this matter through to a tribunal, despite there being a recognition agreement in place. The master and servant regime must end.”
Steve Garelick, GMB London Region Organiser steve.garelick@gmb.org.uk 079 6776 3980
GMB London Region Press Office london.press@gmb.org.uk 079 7001 9643 or GMB Press Office
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