Engineering workers win new pay deal after 5 days of strike action

Members of GMB at Crane Building Services and Utilities have accepted a 7 per cent pay deal following five days of strike action.
During extensive pay negotiations on Monday 3rd June 2024, Crane put forward an improved pay offer. In a pay ballot conducted on Tuesday 4 June, 90 per cent GMB members voted, 60 per cent of whom accepted the deal.
On Tuesday 28 May GMB members at Crane BSU began five days of strike action and protest at the site in Hitchin. Set to last for nine days, the strike was called off following the pay ballot on Tuesday 4 June.
Andre Marques, GMB London Region Organiser said:
“This is a good win for our members who stood strong and made their voices heard and in doing so demonstrated how determined they were to achieve a better pay deal from their employer.
“Together, we have shown that unity and collective action can bring about meaningful change.
“The new pay deal of 7 per cent, will be backdated to January 2024 and workers can expect an agreed bonus if 2024 performance targets are met.”