GMB vows to use statutory route to enforce workers' rights at FP Herting & Son Plc

GMB vows to use statutory route to enforce workers' rights at west London building materials firm after company failure to remedy ill treatment of workers
Whilst Hertings have now acknowledged payment for overtime rather than time in lieu there are still many hurdles to overcome, says GMB London
GMB, the union for workers at FP Herting & Son Plc in Southall, has responded to a refusal of the company to remedy the treatment of workers employed by the firm by pledging to use the statutory route to enforce the rights of these workers. [See notes to editors for copy of the previous GMB press release on conditions in the company]
Despite now issuing warehouse personnel with hard hats, jackets, boots and ordering new furniture for a staff area, the company have continued to ignore past issues regarding employment practices.
GMB members are now submitting grievances. [See notes to editors for GMB document on snow difficulties and employment rights]
On 20 February 2018 GMB wrote to the company as follows:
Thank you for your message.
I have given this some consideration and will provide my perspective and details of further issues.
At this stage I have come to realise there is no value in a meeting.
We are now working towards a 51% membership within the workforce which will mean we will seek statutory recognition as you have made it clear you do not recognise the union.
Presumably this makes clear you will not accept a schedule A1 of the Trade Union & Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 request.
It is my opinion a meeting that does not involve your own employees is demeaning your staff.
Their knowledge of issues is likely to be greater than ours and therefore necessary for absolute clarity.
Whether I am convinced or not of your claims on the staff restroom I am clear on one point that they are in a state and should have been attended to well before our interaction.
I have concerns about ongoing training for fork lift drivers and hope you will look in to this.
Finally, my biggest concern is a request to assist the company during an unstable period where employees made a substantial sacrifice for everyone's sakes.
Having taken a look at the company accounts from 1994 onwards I now have a reasonable idea of the performance of your employer.
I have no issue with owners of companies receiving return for their endeavours.
What pains me deeply is that staff are not seeing a fair or equitable return or as the pay scales do not seem to apply equally as referred to in multiple grievance claims and staff advisories in relation to temporary assistance of the company.
We understand we are not welcome on your premises and from a recruitment perspective we will work off site.
I have advised our members to clearly diarise their time so that claims of working on Union issues cannot be questioned.
The high level of grievances due to be lodged along with the lack of solutions tells me much.
Following the comments made today in relation to Solicitors advice to your company it is clear there is a case of financial expediency over engagement with staff.
Solutions that could improve conditions & future productivity are being ignored.
TOIL is being used to save money for the company but in effect devalues employees.
I did write to your head of HR in relation to Bullying and harassment.
It is clear my words were not headed.
Some staff are at the least deserving of apologies for behaviour exhibited towards them which seems to have escalated as a result of Union involvement.
All I can say it is disappointing that management's prescription for being called out is to create more divisions.
In view of the points raised I intend to put an up to date press release out dealing with the advances made and the issues that Herting & Son Plc management will need to surmount to gain staff trust and create a relationship that assists in staff adding value to the company.
Steve Garelick, GMB Regional Officer, said:
“Whilst Hertings have now acknowledged payment for overtime rather than time in lieu there are still many hurdles to overcome. This includes recognition of GMB Union.
“ACAS are engaged on further claims where F P Herting & Son Plc have turned down conciliation preferring to go to tribunal with members further endorsing GMBs concerns.
“Hertings claim that they will increase pay but in view of past use of pre agreed bonuses being used to offset minimum wage payments, this is also a cause of apprehension to GMB and its members.
“Of most concern is F P Herting & Son Plc telling a member that their grievance appeal time will need to be taken as holiday, and that our member agreed thinking they had no choice.
“However of greater concern is a member who was told they could not drive the following day being told they would have to take holiday.
“The member declined and finally was given work on site.”
Contact: Steve Garelick 07967 763 980 or GMB Press Office 07970 114 762
Notes to editors:
1] Previous GMB Press Release
GMB call on F.P. Herting & Son plc to improve following contract breach allegations (7 February 2018)
2] GMB Document – Snow difficulties and your employment rights