ActiveNewham using Job Support Scheme to bring in detrimental contract changes says GMB

GMB London has recently been informed that leisure trust ActiveNewham is currently using the Job Support Scheme as justification to gain employees agreement to a permanent contract change in the form of a lay-off and short-time working clause.
GMB London has recently been informed that leisure trust ActiveNewham is currently using the Job Support Scheme as justification to gain employees agreement to a permanent contract change in the form of a lay-off and short-time working clause. This type of clause gives an employer the right to reduce staff hours or lay them off for periods of time without pay when they deem there to be insufficient work available.
GMB the union for workers in the leisure sector says such clauses are extremely detrimental and can leave staff struggling financially at the whim of their employer. Whilst the Job Support Scheme does require employees agreement due to the change in working hours, there is no requirement for any agreement to a permanent contract change to access the scheme.
John Colquhoun GMB London Regional Organiser said:
‘I recently contacted activeNewham to challenge the issue and to find out why they feel this detrimental change is necessary. Whilst I understand they may well be in difficulty, they have failed to justify why staff are being put in the unnecessary position where they can only access the Job Support Scheme by agreeing to this contract change. They have also informed me that around 85% of their staff already have this punitive clause in their contract which begs the question of why the remaining members of staff should be agreeing to it. Lay-offs, in particular, should be an absolute last resort and if required at any point in time we would fully expect employers to consult with staff and at worst agreeing to a temporary variation to get them through the difficult times. The Job Support Scheme is a welcome initiative and it is extremely disappointing to see it being used to pressure staff into agreeing to permanent unnecessary changes.
Given that activeNewham have disappointingly refused to remove this clause, GMB has been forced to continue to advise members against agreeing to this change. GMB supports the Job Support Scheme and is happy to review our position should activeNewham withdraw the clause it wants to impose on our members.
GMB London calls on activeNewham do the right thing and allow members to be placed on the Job Support Scheme without agreeing to this permanent change.
John Colquhoun GMB London Regional Organiser 079 8075 3114