ACAS ballot for GMB recognition at EAT Wembley Kitchens

ACAS ballot of 200 EAT food workers at Wembley plant from 2nd May over union rights for GMB members
This has been a long and at times difficult process, but we are in the final straight now, and we shall succeed, I am sure says GMB London Organiser
During week commencing 2nd May ACAS will conduct a ballot of approximately 200 shop floor food workers at EAT plant in Wembley to establish whether the workforce want GMB union to represent them in negotiations with the company.
Eat Kitchens is based in Fourth Way in Wembley . Workers are employed in prepeparing ingredients, cooking and packaging food , ready to be delivered to the EAT shops.
GMB has been dealing with a wide range of issues that the workforce has raised and has made great progress on bonus pay, holiday pay and number of working hours.
At a meeting at ACAS on 27th February it was agreed that ACAS would conduct a membership audit to establish that more than half the workforce were members of GMB. ACAS has done this and confirmed that this is the case.
The company now want ACAS to ballot the whole shop floor workforce to confirm that they want GMB union to represent them in negotiations with the company. The ballot will be held during week commencing 2nd May.
Richard Owen, GMB Regional Organiser, said
"This has been a long and at times difficult process, but we are in the final straight now, and we shall succeed, I am sure.
It shows that working people can achieve so much when they stick together, and stick to their principles."
Hiten Yaidya, GMB Regional Organiser, said
"GMB has many members who receive better pay and conditions and the union is there to help when they need support.
GMB has a long and very good track record, particularly in food industry, of organising workers and negotiating on their behalf for them to get better pay,terms and conditions."
Contact: Richard Owen on 07974 179 285 or Hiten Vaidya on 07552 120 740