GMB Young Workers - Network Event - 18th May 2024

12pm-3pm, Saturday 18th of May 2024
GMB London Region invites you to the Young Workers Networking Event to talk about your rights at work, how Trade Unions work and to allow you to connect and network with other GMB Young Workers.
The event will be held on Saturday the 18th of May from 12pm-3pm. Depending on interest this will be held in-person with the option to join online. The in-person venue will be GMB's National Office in Euston.
This is an opportunity to get more involved in GMB and speak with Union Officers about what we can do to help support you in your workplaces.
If you would like to attend, please use the link below to register:
GMB Young Members – Network Event – Registration Link
Alternatively, scan this QR code to register.
Registration closes on Monday 13th May 2024.
If you have colleagues who are also young workers, 30 and below, but who are NOT GMB members but would like to attend, they are welcome to come along and learn more. Just ask them to email my secretary,, so we can add them to the attendance list.
We look forward to seeing you.