GMB London Region Congress 2025


Are you interested in becoming a delegate to GMB Congress 2025?

GMB Congress 2025 will be in Brighton, contact your branch if you are interested in attending. Nominations close on 31st December 2024.

GMB Congress 2024, London Region's first-time delegates tell us about their experience of Congress.

GMB Congress is held annually and it is where the lay member ruling body of the union decides GMB policy on all issues. GMB Congress 2025 will be held in Brighton, from Sunday 7th to Thursday 12 June 2025.

If you want to attend GMB Congress or put forward a motion to make GMB policy, please contact your branch. To attend you must be nominated by your branch, and be a paid-up member for 53 weeks.

For a summary of GMB Congress 2024 (London Region) please visit: GMB London - GMB London Region Congress 2024

Complete this form to register your interest in being a delegate to Congress 2025.


    Register your interest in being a delegate to Congress 2025

  • Please fill in your last name/surname

  • It is preferable to provide your personal email address