GMB London Region Congress 2025

Members and Branches are asked to nominate for the following National awards (GMB Officers or Staff cannot be nominated).  Nominations will be considered by the General Secretary, and the awards will be presented at GMB Congress 2025 held in Brighton from 8 – 12 June 2025.  The deadline for all nominations is 23 April 2025


  • Will Thorne Award (new award)
  • Women’s Rep of the Year (Eleanor Marx Award)
  • Health & Safety Rep of the Year (Mary McArthur Award)
  • Health & Safety Branch / Workplace of the Year (John McClean Award)


Will Thorne Award (Organising Award)

This is a new award agreed by Congress 2024. It is for a GMB member who has inspired others through their campaigning and organising efforts. This award recognises that the struggles of today are just as vital as those of our past, and that those qualities which shaped our first generation of activists (of tenacity, vision, and belief) are those which are growing our campaigning union in the present day.


The winner will go forward as the GMB nomination for 2025 TUC Congress Organising Award


Please complete the online form by 23 April 2025


Woman’s Rep of the Year (Eleanor Marx Award)

There are so many women throughout our union doing amazing work who don't get the recognition they deserve.  Whether it’s campaigning for safer working conditions or leading the fight for the fair and equal pay that GMB members deserve, we want to recognise the GMB women across the country who have inspired you.


Do you know an inspiring GMB woman member or rep whose activism and commitment deserves to be recognised?  Is there an outstanding woman activist in your branch or workplace? 


Please complete the online form by 23 April 2025



Health and Safety Rep of the Year (Mary McArthur Award)

This award celebrates the positive difference that GMB Safety Reps can make in the workplace. We want to recognise an individual who has made a difference to the working lives of the members they represent.

Previous nominees are eligible to be put forward, and nominations are particularly encouraged for reps who are covered by the various strands of the Equality Act.


All members, branches or health and safety forums can make nominations so please tell us about a GMB Health and Safety Rep who’s made a real difference where you work.


Please complete the online form by 23 April 2025



Health and Safety Branch or Workplace of the Year (John McClean Award)

John McClean, GMB’s former Head of Health, Safety and Environment, sadly passed away in August 2022.

John spent more than two decades fighting for better health and safety standards at work for GMB members. In doing this, he was never interested in individual recognition or credit, and was always quick to ensure collective involvement in every campaign he organised.

The General Secretary has therefore decided to honour John’s memory by creating an award to recognise branches and/or workplaces who have worked as a team to recruit and organise members to improve health and safety standards.

This award celebrates the positive difference that GMB Safety Reps can make in the workplace. We want to recognise those teams who have made a real difference to the working lives of the members they represent.


Please complete the online form by 23 April 2025