Profile: GMB Activist Abdi Mohamed

I actively got involved in GMB’s lay structures back in 2018.
I decided to go along and get more active as a GMB activist – I haven’t regretted it since.
My journey of involvement started through GMB Race– the self-organised group in London for BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) workers. Our aim is to ensure that Race is always on the agenda: organising, recruiting and promoting equality at work and in society for all who identify as BAME.
I should say, picking GMB Race wasn’t by chance for me, as someone who had to deal with racial discrimination in my own work place, which sadly represents the lived experiences of many BAME workers’. My determination and passion comes from wanting to tackle this discrimination head on.
As a trade unionist for over a decade now, GMB and GMB Race are aligned with my determination to oppose all forms of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace and wider society.
After a few years as the RACE Group Organiser, supporting branches and activists across our region, I was elected last year to become the Chair of GMB Race. Some highlights include hosting a Black history month (BHM) event at City Hall in October (see picture), attending different marches and demos as a group, actively taking part in a range of conferences and supporting other self-organised groups and branches in our region.
Whilst we have done a lot over the last few years, we are just getting started.
I am really excited at what’s coming up next. We are launching a new campaign this BHM around BAME workers’ Pay, Terms and Conditions Disparity. We know that nationally 41% of BAME workers have faced racism in work in the last five years (TUC).
As a Race group, we regularly speak to members across the region who continue to raise concerns about inequality in the workplace. This campaign is an opportunity to gather this data and bring this to life through their stories in one place and work collectively to support our members throughout London region.
Our campaign is clear - structural racism still plays a big role in determining Black workers’ pay and career prospects and it shouldn’t.
Will that change be achieved over night? No. Do we need to tackle it head on? Yes!
At the centre of this campaign is pushing for political shift – we need real commitment to systemic change and not nice words or simple solutions that simply pave over the real issues.
We can’t do this alone and everyone has a part to play.
You can hear more about the work GMB Race will be doing in partnership at this year’s conference. One of these joint relationships is with Migrants4Labour - I will be speaking at one of the only events covering migrants' rights and participation of migrant communities at Labour Party conference. GMB Race has a proud history of engaging migrant communities in our union and defending their rights at the workplace so it’s great to help support these efforts beyond the workplace in our communities and our wider democracy.
If you’re at Labour Party conference, sign up to come along to the event: Labour“s Path to Power — Tickets
Look out for more on the wider campaign over the autumn and how you get more involved in your work place and beyond in campaigning for political change.
If you have any questions about GMB Race or would like to get involved, feel free to email me at