Local Government Councillors Make a Real Difference

The attack on Public Services especially Local Government from this Tory Government is unprecedented.
The impact of such devastating cuts on local communities has increased poverty, poor education, mass redundancies, and the complete destruction of the social care services that any Government should be protecting.
The first objective of any government is to protect its citizens but here we are where local communities are vulnerable and in desperate need of major investment and protection, which can be achieved by tax increases and so on, but the Tory Government won“t agree owing to their 2015 manifesto pledge. They prefer to give tax breaks to the rich while social care collapses.
Our members are at the front of these cuts, and our GMB Local Government Councillors are finding it impossible to deliver vital services at a time of such devastating cuts. Here are some comments from some of our GMB Local Government Councillors on how the cuts to Local Government is effecting local services in their Council.