It may be Black Friday but Amazon workers are not robots

On Black Friday workers, activists, and citizens from across the globe are joining together to make Amazon pay its workers fairly, pay for its impact on the environment and pay its taxes
On Black Friday workers, activists, and citizens from across the globe are joining together to #MakeAmazonPay its workers fairly, pay for its impact on the environment and pay its taxes.
The GMB Black Friday Amazon campaign is part of a Global Day of Action today. We are takin action with our Global Trade Union Amazon Alliance friends in around 22 other countries on the 5 continents, along with our global union affiliates UniGlobal Union and the International Transport Workers’ Federation. Other global union federations, the ITUC/British TUC are also promoting these activities.
For the first time social and environmental groups, NGO's will strategically partner and assist with our trade union campaign, these include War On Want, Oxfam, Progressive International, Amnesty UK & International,, Oxfam, Tax Justice, plus many others, all coming under the banner #MakeAmazonPay.
We have organised a Facebook Live Zoom event today at 17.30hrs and we have several friends, amazon workers and politicians that have agreed to speak and take part in this event. If you are free why not join us.
Please help promote the Global #Make Amazon Pay, and GMB Union campaign to hold a UK Parliamentary investigation into Amazon via petition at Make Amazon Pay GMB Campaign