Happy New Year

We hope all our activists and elected representatives have had a great Christmas and New Year break and are re-charged ready for a busy start to 2022
We hope all our activists and elected representatives have had a great Christmas and New Year break and are re-charged ready for a busy start to 2022.
On Thursday 5th May (only 4 months away) we will see electrons in all 32 London Boroughs, with every council seat up for grabs and mayoral elections in Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets.
We will also have district and unitary council elections right across other parts of our region, from Milton Keynes in the north to Thurrock in the south.
Candidate selection started well before Christmas and many Labour candidates have already been chosen but these will pick up in January and February by which time most candidates will be in place.
With Labour now consistently ahead in the opinion polls and with many people predicting a General Election as early as the spring of 2023 these local elections will be a real test of Labour’s electability as a government in waiting, ready to oust the Tories and their sleaze.
Our members deserve better that what we have had from Boris Johnson and his cronies for the past two years.
Our Branch Political Officers will be meeting later this month to begin planning our priorities and strategy between now and May, so keep an eye out for news of event and campaigns.
If you would like to get more involved in the GMB’s political work please contact our Regional Political Officer, Vaughan West at Vaughan.west@gmb.org.uk
If you would like to become a member of the Labour Party join here:
Join The Labour Party | Labour Unions
We hope to see you on the campaign trail over the next few months.