Far Right Extremism is on the Rise, Both On and Offline

Far Right Extremism is on the Rise, Both on and Offline, in Workplaces and Within Communities
With the shambles of Brexit, the failure of austerity and the Tory government, we are sadly seeing a re-emergence of the far right across the country.
The language being used by some MPs and other so called respectable politicians is only adding fuel to organisations like Britain First who continue to whip up anti-BAME, anti-immigrant and anti-refugee sentiments among sections of the British population.
Vaughan West, GMB London Region Political Officer said:
“Instead of placing this country's failures on the Tory government they try to shift the argument to falsely blame minority communities and people.
This is a challenge we should all confront with as much strength and vigour as possible“.
The TUC have produced an e-note at the link below which is a useful tool to provide you with the arguments to take the task of this threat
Tackling the Far Right TUC eNote