Come and join us and help to return a Labour MP in Peterborough

In Lisa Forbes we are lucky to have a fantastic Labour candidate in Peterborough, somebody who is a long standing GMB member and who embodies true Labour and Trade Union values and was endorsed by most unions during the selection process and is now supported by them all.
This by-election was caused by the first successful recall petition against a sitting MP, following her criminal conviction. Peterborough is very winnable but it will not be a shoe in.
As part of Lisa’s campaign to win the by-election and make this seat Labour again, 18th May has been designated as a Trade Union campaign day.
Come and join us in working to return an MP committed to supporting us as Trade Unionists.
There will be two sessions – morning and afternoon – of both canvassing and leafletting, whatever you feel comfortable with.
You will be working with a team of people who have varying levels of experience but are all committed to one thing – securing the election of Lisa Forbes as another step towards a Labour Government.
We look forward to welcoming you all to an event that will see Labour and Trade Union activists working hand-in-hand to deliver the result we need – Lisa Forbes as the next MP for Peterborough.
The running order for the TULO Campaign Day in Peterborough is as follows
Meet up at the Unite Offices, Church Walk, Peterborough PE1 2TP (on street parking available nearby)
10.30 Rally with the Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP at the Unite Offices
11.00 – 13.00 Canvassing / Leafletting session
14.00 – 16.00 Canvassing / Leafletting session
Refreshments will be available.
Can you please confirm your attendance by email to Vaughan West at:
Election day itself will take place on Thursday 6th June and help will be required in getting the vote out all day. Further details will follow but please try to keep all or some of this day free.