ASDA Retail - Equal Pay

You will be aware that GMB are supporting members in stores who are bringing equal pay claims against ASDA arguing that they should be paid equally with workers in distribution.
The time limit for bringing an equal pay claim in the Employment Tribunal is 6 months, starting with either the termination of employment or a change in contract. Some colleagues have moved to ASDA’s ‘Your Choice Contract’. Changing contract triggers the time limit for bringing an equal pay claim for any work done under the old contract.
For example, if your old ASDA contract terminated on 7 October 2017 and you entered into ASDA’s ‘Your Choice Contract’ on 8 October 2017 then the time limit for bringing an equal pay claim in the Employment Tribunal in respect of the old contract is 6 April 2018. The ACAS Early Conciliation procedure must also be complied with. If you have moved to the ‘Your Choice Contract’ and wish to bring an equal pay claim against ASDA in respect of your old contract then please call the GMB ASDA Equal Pay Line, which is run by our solicitors, Leigh Day:
Your claim will be assessed and if our lawyers decide that you have a valid equal pay claim then we will start legal proceedings for you. Time limits are very important – for equal pay claims these are 6 months in the Employment Tribunal. If your employment ended more than 6 months ago, your claim could be brought to the civil court instead, where the limitation period is 6 years.
If you are unsure if you are out of time to bring an equal pay claim in the Employment Tribunal then please still call the above number as you may be able to register your details for a claim in the civil court instead. If you would like advice or have any other questions then please call the above number without delay.
Please note that you remain responsible for telling GMB or the Equal Pay Line about any change or end to your employment with ASDA and validly presenting all claims until Leigh Day agrees to act for you.
If you are an affected member seeking representation and support, you can reach GMB at the GMB Members’ Support Centre by visiting:
Kind regards
Keith Dixon
ASDA Lead Role Officer
GMB London Region