

The TUC has organised a march and rally on Saturday 18th June in London to 'Demand Better' from government for the working people of this country.

GMB London Region is calling on you to stand up and march with us in demanding better. Better pay, better working conditions and prospects for working people.
GMB members have been at the forefront of the Covid pandemic, seeing massive inflation increases.  No matter how you have been affected or what the campaign is locally we can safely say that you, GMB's hard-working members, deserve better and need to send this message to government. 

We will be marching to demand action to:

  • Tackle the cost of living crisis,
  • Inflation is at its highest level in 40 years
  • Prices rocketing - energy bills through the roof: up by 54%, food prices up 10% on last year, massive hikes in fuel prices while the big energy firms make record profits under this government that cannot make up its mind about a windfall tax 

Everything is going up but our wages โ€” It's time for a new deal for working people, real help with energy bills and a pay rise.

We Demand Better - TUC march and rally on 18th June, if you are planning to marc with GMB London, please meet outside the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) between 10:15 and 10:30, 66 Portland Place, London W1B

We will have lots of flags

โ€‹โ€‹RIBA London, 66 Portland Place, London, W1B 1NT - Google Maps

(Nearest London Underground stations are Oxford Circus and Great Portland Street) just 6 mins walk to assembly point)

GMB London Region is committed to putting on a show of solidarity on behalf of all our members at the march and rally, it would be wonderful to count on your support.

Along with all GMB regions, London Region will be organising a large presence at the event.

GMB London Region may be able to lay on transport for those in outlying areas, depending on demand.

Please register your attendance and let us know if you would be interested in using our organised coach/minibus transport. 

Please note: Transport provision will depend on demand, but in the absence of local availability, GMB will provide information on other organised transport that is available locally.


GMB London Region looks forward to seeing you there and marching together. 


For more information and resources visit: We demand better: March and Rally, 18 June | TUC