Income tax cuts should offset increase in green taxes to £15 per week
GMB London calls on government for 50% hike to £15 per week in green taxes to be offset with equivalent cut in income taxes for all workers except those on high pay.
GMB London calls on government for 50% hike to £15 per week in green taxes to be offset with equivalent cut in income taxes for all workers except those on high pay.
Zero tolerance needed on fly tipping and councils must ‘up their game’ as GMB study shows too few actions by East of England councils on 61,423 Incidents In 2019/20
GMB London yesterday submitted evidence to the Transport Committee’s enquiry on consideration for the introduction of road pricing
SERCO who provide refuse/street cleansing services for the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham is not allowing workers to carry over their annual leave, despite the Government…
GMB call on councils, employers and further education providers to join lobby for wind turbines fabrication jobs into East of England coastal areas as wind energy set to treble…