£15 an hour and full sick pay campaign

If the Government is serious about solving the problem of social care, we need workforce investment that includes sick pay and a minimum £15 per hour
"The social care workforce continues to be left behind in terms of pay and conditions.
"After two years of extreme pressures on the front line of covid, minimum rates of pay just don't cut it.
"Social care workers have left the sector; many more are continuing to leave for jobs in other sectors that pay more, for a lot less responsibility.
"If the Government is serious about solving the problem of social care, we need workforce investment that includes sick pay and a minimum £15 per hour."
Rachel Harrison, GMB National Officer
Our social care workers have gone above and beyond during the crisis
They’ve responded day in day out to the threat Covid-19 has posed to older and vulnerable people - with commitment, passion and care.
We have seen first-hand how they have cared for our families - fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers and other loved ones during this crisis.
Covid-19 has drawn the nation’s attention to the vulnerability of our residential care system in the face of widespread infection and illness.
The prospect of living with the reality of Covid-19 for years to come, and the risk of further spikes in the virus, causes great anxiety for anyone connected to our country’s residential care system – and many of us are.
Care homes that fail to offer sick pay are more likely to have higher levels of Covid-19 infection among residents, according to official Government statistics.
Statistics show that the full sick pay for social care workers is one of the most effective infection control measures - ensuring those that move in and out of a care setting only do so when they are well enough to return to work.
But every year common illnesses such as flu cause unnecessary loss of life in Britain’s care homes.
No worker in social care should face the punishment of statutory sick pay of just £95.85 per week for doing the right thing.
Join the Campaign
Help us in lobbying to improve the Social Care Sector in your workplace!
SIGN OUR PETITION FOR SICK PAY! SIGN & SHARE our petition for contractual sick pay: www.gmb.org.uk/care-pay
LOBBY YOUR MP! Contact your elected representative
England | members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP |
Scotland | beta.parliament.scot/msps/current-and-previous-msps |
Wales | business.senedd.wales/mgFindMember |
N. Ireland | aims.niassembly.gov.uk/mlas/search |
Copy us in @ publicservices@gmb.org.uk |
LOBBY SOCIAL CARE MINISTERS! Contact Ministers of State for social care directly
England | Sajid Javid/Gillian Keegan | contactus.dh.gov.uk/ |
Scotland | Jeanne Freeman MSP | www.jeannefreeman.scot/contact-us |
Wales | Vaughan Gething MS | vaughan.gething@gov.wales |
N.Ireland | Robin Swann MLA | robin.swann@mla.niassembley.gov.uk |
For Care Sector Bulletins and updates please use this link Social Care Noticeboards | GMB